Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Faith Through the Flat. Part 2: God's time

Okay.  So if you read the last entry, we already know that my family had a flat tire coming home from our vacation.   Let me tell you I was not looking forward to the remaining portion of the trip home.  We still had over 120 miles to go and my van has had no air conditioning since i bought it.  The air temperature that day was well into the 90's with high humidity and bright sun.  Now with the spare tire on the van we could not travel over 50 miles per hour.  With all this, it's was not exactly shaping up to be a pleasant drive. 

Once we were back on the road, I was overcome with emotion and the tears started to flow.  I was struck by how close we really came to this whole event being disastrous.  I realized that God was really watching out for us.  Normally in these types of situations, I get a little anxious and fearful.  Not this time.  God had already protected us and I felt his hand carrying us now.  The peace that came with that was comforting.

I was struck by the timing of everything.  God had planned for us to stop were we did.  God planned for the two gentlemen that helped us to stop when they did.  Now God was going to teach me and my children that as long as we wait on him, he will get us home.

I will be the first to admit I don't always travel at the posted speed limit.  But as we continued on home, I had no choice but to set the cruise control on 50 mph and sit back and enjoy the view.  Cars whizzed by.  One annoyed trucker let his horn blast to express his distaste, but we just plugged along.  It was uncomfortable, hot and sweaty.  We made few stops to cool off and give the spare tire a bit of a rest too.  Both of my kids commented on how well things were going and I reminded them that the only thing we can do was give everything over to God and he would get us home.  It wasn't my driving skills. It wasn't the spare tire.  It was God.  

I Peter 5:6-7 "Humble yourselves under God's mighty hand, so that he may lift you up in due time.  Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."  Casting my anxiety, my worries, my thoughts, my cares, my plans on Christ because we are in his hands. We do so by setting our pride away, giving ourselves fully to him, by doing want is required by God.  And when we do all this, when God's time is right, we will be lifted up.

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