Sunday, June 10, 2012

Faith through the flat. Part 1 - Prayer

 How many of you have stopped to pray before traveling?  If you haven't, Stop and ask yourself why not.

Ever since my daughter , who is now 16, was 3 years old or so, our family has stopped to pray before embarking on our travels.  We would pray for fun, for safety, and if God so chooses, to use us as his instruments to help others.  On one of our recent trips home from visiting my parents, God showed us just how much he does look out for us by providing a true miracle.

After making an unscheduled stop, I noticed that one of the tires on my mini van was nearly flat.  I took a closer look and noticed that it had a great deal of the rubber had worn away and steel was exposed.  I am fully convinced that if we had not stopped and continued at the speed we had been traveling, the tire would have blown out and possibly caused the vehicle to loose control. 

I was able to move the van to a level area in the parking look of a gas station and was able to jack the van up.  As I was try unsuccessfully to get the spare off the van, a very nice gentleman came up and ask if I needed any help.  I explained the situation and he offered the services of his friend that was traveling with him - who just happen to be a mechanic.  In no time he had inspected the spare tire, paid to have it properly inflated and then he put in place.  And as a side note, this was all in 90+ degree heat.  Before long we had the car down on all fours and we were able to get on our way.

As we pulled back on to the interstate, I could not not help but to cry.  God's timing was perfect.  I could ask a dozen 'what if' questions about the whole event, but the only question I ask now is "what if God wasn't watching over us and protecting us?"  I thank God for the miracle that he provided for me and my kids.  I am thankful for the example he has shown the kids (and me) that he is truly watching us and protecting us.  I am thankful for the answer to prayer.  In the book of John, there are several times when Christ tells us to ask anything in his name and it will be done according to God's will.

"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:13-14

Coming soon - Part 2 - In God's Time

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