Thursday, May 17, 2012

Prayer Life?

I have been thinking a lot about my priorities.  I have been asking a lot of questions about my prayer life.  What is a prayer life?  My Bible defines prayer as 'talking to God'. Is it really that simple?  We just talk to God?  So a prayer life is just talking to God all of the time.  Sounds pretty simple to me.  Then I ask why don't we do it? 

With the advent of social media, many of us talk to our friends constantly via Facebook, Twitter, texting, Skype, and the old fashion phone call.  In the Old Testiment, Abraham was called God's friend.  So if we are sons and daughters of Abraham, it makes sense that God is our friend.  So why don't we talk to our friend?

At some time in each of our lives, we have had at least one boss.  A boss and employee must communicate to each other so that the necessary work is completed. 2 Timothy 3:17 says ". . so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work."  God is our boss and we are his employees or servants.  So, why don't we talk to our boss?

I love having Skype.  Wow! What a great tool.  I can now talk to my mom and dad a lot more often without running up the minutes on my phone.  There are weeks I talk to them nearly everyday and usually about nothing at all. I just want to talk.  If  God is our Heavenly father, Why don't we talk to him?

One of the most important relationships many of us have or have had, is our relationship with our wife or husband.  I have several friends that are in a marriage where the husband and wife talk about EVERYTHING.  I  mean everything, from their fears to their quirks.  Every facet of their lives is an open book to their spouse.  Christ called himself the Bridegroom and we are his bride.  We long for the day we are united with him, but does that mean we don't communicate with him?

I have been awed by the number of my friends that have had to seek medical advise and intervention for a variety of ailments in the recent months.  We go to the doctor for medicine, for healing.  Through out the Bible, there are countless accounts of God healing the sick and lame.  If God is the Great Physician,  why are we not talking to our doctor?

Everyday through work, school and even shopping, we encounter people from a variety of different facets of life.  Many of these are struggling in areas that we can not begin to fathom.  In Matthew 25:40 Jesus tells us, 'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’  If we just took the time to talk to the people God brings in our lives, we are talking to God.

All of these people; Friends, bosses, family, spouses, ets. take up our day.  We talk to people all day long.  Are you talking to God all day long?

So, how's your prayer life?

1 comment:

  1. I seek God when I struggle and thank him for watching me and being there all the time.... as for a Prayer Life? I am not sure.... but that's my thoughts...
